Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010 Blog


This weeks Blogger is Robert McCain.

Well today is the deadline for first time home buyers to have their new home under contract to qualify for the first time home buyers tax credit. So I hope all of you first time home buyers were or are able to get the "i's" dotted and the "t's" crossed by midnight tonight. Even though the federal tax credit is over MHDC has funding again. Thankfully the state legislature in Missouri found a way to fund this program that provides 3% of the 3.5% required down payment needed for a FHA loan. If you are still in the market give us a call and we can walk you through the details.

On to the fun stuff. Last Saturday was Aids Walk and the crowd was out. Here are a few pictures. Some of us are on a team called Project Walkway and we managed to raise $5,400 which is small compared to some of the other teams, but we were thrilled none the less because we went over our goal. This included the Queen Clash event at Flex and several beer busts and silent auctions at Outabounds. One of these pictures features the cast of Pride and Joy and I was in charge of the hair for the show which would have been a nightmare on the prep night if I didn't have Joe Denny's help. For the last time Missy Koonces hair is not a wig! Pride and Joy was another fund raiser for Aids Walk that was a huge success. Luckily the rain held out until the very end of the walk

Pride and Joy Cast at the start of the walk

Right after Aids Walk was the Mill Creek Auction which was all the buzz in the Plaza condo market for a few weeks. Even though they were only showing 25 to auction we were told numerous times if the auction was going well they would bring on more units. Well by the time the auction was over all units were sold and were sold at better than expected prices. All condo owners in the area should be thrilled because this provides us with some long awaited good news when trying to comp out your condo through appraisals.

Thanks to one of my hair clients recomendation we tried out Balsano's Gelato Cafe for breakfast. We were running ahead of schedule and thought WOW! we have time to sit down for breakfast in the middle of the week. So we gave it a shot and it was wonderful. On a sunny day with the doors open you can sit inside or out and just enjoy the great food (I recomend the quiche) and the wonderful surroundings the Plaza provides. Balsano's address is 428 Ward Parkway.

The menu _____________Service with a smile from Matt and Tom

This weekend is another event packed weekend. Starting tonight is the Brookside Art Anual which is one of the top ten ranked art fairs in the country. Tomorrow night is DIFFA. Of course during the day on Saturday and Sunday you can catch us at one of our open houses.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our Kansas City Blog Starts Today!!!

Hello Everyone!

It's our first blog on Kansas City and it's market! We are the if team at Chartwell Realty and hopefully we can find some fun things to blog about and keep you posted! This week the blogger is Robert McCain.

We are about to start our second Staycation summer and we think it's going to be a blast. What we do is have our friends and clients (we find a few things ourselves) tell us which touristy things they like to do and we go check it out and tell everyone about it.

Along the way we will also be blogging about the real estate market, what's going on, and whatever else may come to mind.

We are a team of 7 so if we end up taking turns on the blogging you may get a more well rounded picture of our city and how we don't all realize how much there is to do. So here we go!

The big news today we had in the real estate world is that Kansas City is no longer a soft market. We have proof of 4 appraisals where the seller had only been in their house a couple of years and they actually got appraisals above what they paid for their home. I know that's big cheer from us and hopefully a lot of you as well. So if any of you are looking to make a move our office number is 816-877-8249. Not a push though just a reminder.

This weekend we will have Robert Lewis Stevenson and Roanoke Plaza Open from 1-4 so please stop by. On Sunday I will be holding open 1512 NE Auburn out in Lee's Summit from 1-4.

Don't forget this Saturday morning is Aids Walk 2010. It begins at Theis Park in front of the Nelson at 9am. If you haven't donated yet I am definitely taking donations!!! Please, I kept forgetting to tell people. Even if you are not participating definitely come down to the park and participate in the festivities.